

Sports Betting Tips – Sports Betting Tips to Boost Your Winning Rate Part 3


This may come as a surprise and might seem trivial to you or the most ridiculous sports betting tip ever. I, however, think that this could a decisive aspect of winning or losing sometimes. Never do the betting under influence is the next tip I am going to share with you. How could this be a sports betting tip? You ask.

Let’s journey to Las Vegas or Monaco, perhaps Macao. Do you know why they supply their customers with free drinks, I mean alcoholic drinks? They are not as generous as you think; they are not offering a good customer service as well. They have another purpose namely to cloud you judgment.

When you have too many drinks, it is in your best interest that you better stay away from your computer, in your case it could be a temptation to betting. I believe you do not drink at home while you are going to do online betting. Influence in this case is not limited at that level. Influence means a factor that makes you judge emotionally. A quarrel with your spouse, girl/boyfriend, parents, or anyone can as well be considered as under influence. It depends on how good you take it; retuning to a calm state of mind.

Stay away from betting for your favorite team. As a fanatic fan you are likely to support your team by betting on it. Well, if you could really separate two things, being a fan and being a bettor, then you may allow yourself to bet on the games, in which your favorite team plays.

This seems easy to achieve, but when you are under influence, sometimes you don’t really know what you are actually doing. Now you are wondering how could this be one of sports betting tips after reading it, aren’t you?

I bet you’ll nod your head when you refreshed your past and identified the lost you had because of betting under influence. Anyway, stay tuned for my next part, in which I will cover about research before betting.

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