

Top 4 Steps to Your Niche Domination – Small Business SEO Tips From the SEO Millionaire


SEO success means easy money and fame. That is true. How to get it?

SEO is like a magical land to so many people. They would feel lost and hopeless when they approach it, especially that they are blinded by the fame and glamour of those who have succeeded, and done it with such ease.

Do you see a misconception in the first paragraph? Many people feel that SEO that stands for Search Engine Optimization is an easy piece of cake. A thing that you can do just within your first day of your internet presence. And in fact it is easy, but after you have understood it well, and recognized what you want to do and the group of people you want to target.

And the so called easy success is a myth. There are people who achieve it faster, because they have mastered their business skills somewhere else, and now they just change the tool. But most of the very successful, have learned it through work and education. Then they have developed the strategy that helped them double and triple their results.

I have a few really successful SEO millionaires as my friends. One of them have mentioned this SEO strategy, he called it Small Business SEO, that for him is very and I mean it… very successful.

1. Define your topic. Know your niche and the group of people you are targeting. For example you may want to help acne sufferers. So you choose people who need “blue light theraphy”

2. Do the research. Find the keywords that are relevant to the group you are targeting, that answer their questions. This part is essential- key phrases that answer their needs and questions. One of the essential parts to the well-done research, is that you see your competition, through checking out the top three or five websites that are placed for your specific keyword phrases.

Once you have them, you go and examine the links they have and create better ones.

3. Content. You create the best quality content you can imagine, so they are happy that they have reached your site.

4.Traffic… this is what makes sense… traffic makes the whole difference. Once you have done your research and created the best content, you can concentrate on the traffic that will convert like crazy.

According to my SEO millionaire friends, the best strategy is based on diversification.

Choose some of the best articles directories, do forum marketing- help other people, create blog comments, and web 2.0 properties, videos, and really simple syndication marketing. Combine them together… and spend days on them.

This is the only minus of Small Business SEO. It takes time. But you may also Outsource it.

And this is the strategy that so many successful business people suggest. Some business geniuses like Richard Branson, say that outsourcing is in fact the bridge to real wealth and freedom of mind. SEO Outsourcing gives you time and space to create bigger ideas and profit generators.

He even said that it is the single most important factor to his success… apart from sports..

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