

Steelhead Fishing At Riggins, Idaho


I was able to make another quick trip down to Riggins Idaho Wednesday I knew before I left that fishing would be tough but I just needed to get out for awhile. With high pressure setting up and the cold nights we have been having expecting any more would have been total optimism on my part.

The drive down from New Meadows was relaxing and I was glad to see how much the snow has been receding on my way down. There were a number of deer and elk out and it is always nice to see them. If you have some good binoculars or a spotting scope and want to see a real nice bull stop at the rest area just this side of Rapid River and look to the west, there is a real nice bull hanging out up there and he is well worth stopping and looking for if you enjoy watching Elk. He has not yet dropped his antlers put that will be happening some time soon.

Any way back to steelhead fishing I only fished two holes Shorts bar and at the Park in Riggins. I notice quite a few steelhead roll in each of the holes but getting a hit proved to be another story you know how steelhead are they are either hitting or they are not. Well as I suspected with the weather they weren’t. It was a nice day on the river though the wind was very light and the sun was shining and it actually got quite warm. I tried all my tricks hoping to get lucky and when I got the first hit I was watching some deer up on the hill steelhead one fisher 0 (#1- Rule be ready! opps!!)

I fished for about another hour and half before I switch to a small Crappie jig some times using these small jigs will produce fish. After fishing with this for about thirty minutes I got a hit and hooked into a steelhead well I knew that this small jig meant that I needed to be careful after fighting the fish for several minutes I was sure I was going to win the battle and then it was like some one was throwing rocks at it, any he turned and headed back to the Ocean and it didn’t matter what I tried he was going. Well it didn’t take long for the light hook on this jig to straighten and now the score is steelhead 2 fishermen 0.

I fished for about another hour but I never got another hit I hope to make it back this weekend with a rain storm coming in it should be better fishing as long as the wind will stay down.

Until next time

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