This is a 2-part series in relation to the terms used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you missed the first part, do read up on it as it is the ideal place for you to start off with. Without further ado, I will continue with the terms.
Free Reprint Articles
These are articles written by you and published on article submission directories for free which can also be used by other webmasters for free. However, the reprint of your articles are made with the condition that they will have to maintain all anchor texts including the links to your website; hence driving even more “organic” traffic to your site.
Google Page Ranking (PR)
This literally means the importance and relevance of a website in Google’s view. Generally, the ranks will be from 1-10 with 1 the highest and 10 the lowest. You can view the PR of any site by downloading Google’s toolbar.
Keyword and Keyword Phrases
A word or phrase which Internet users use to search for related information. For instance, when a user types “Search engine Optimization Services”, the whole term would combine to be labeled as “keyword phrases”. It is also the term which you will use on your site to match these users’ searches in order to bring them over to your site. On the contrary, a keyword refers to just a single word; for instance “locksmith”. Having mentioned that, keywords are more difficult to rank compared to keyword phrases since the former is considered as more generic.
Links can either come in the form of texts or visuals and will bring visitors from one page to another by clicking on it. Most often, these text links are highlighted and differ from the other body text and the likes. There are also many different form of links such as one-way links, two-way links and many more.
Link Exchange
Link exchange is just what the name suggests. It is the process of link trading by two different webmasters from two different websites. Often, it is done by two websites that are related in niche and content since it contributes to the weight/importance of the links in the eyes of Google’s algorithm. For instance, A website offering music classes can conduct a link exchange with a website offering musical instruments for sale. They are said to be relevant. On the contrary, a music class website and a jogging shoes website is irrelevant.
This concludes our 2-part series in terms related to search engine optimization. Needless to say, there are many more terms which are related and significant for you to grasp in order to succeed in your home-based Internet business.