It is important to understand what XML Sitemap is and why significance it has for SEO. The website is considered as the house and the pages of the site are considered as the rooms of the house. The XML Sitemap is like a blueprint of the house or the Map of the House. It works as the sitemap of the so-called house and the web pages as its rooms. It helps Google to make it easy for the proverbial home inspector for the web-enabling it to rapidly and effortlessly discover all the rooms within your house. It is significant and plays an important role in SEO because the sitemaps help to make it at ease for Google to catch your site’s pages. It is very important as Google gives ranking to the web pages also not merely websites.
There is no disadvantage and drawback at all of using the Sitemap and it helps in improving the SEO of your website, therefore, they are highly advocated and recommend to be used.
Sitemap.xml file is particularly and especially important in cases of:
All the websites and its pages are fashioned dynamically especially on e-commerce sites and financial sites.
It has been observed that in case the site is not well-structured it will not generate well-linked or internal links. Many of the sites have got fewer external links or are a new or newly developed site just started “live”.
In case of large or the heavy sites, they are many archived contents and they may not be well-linked and well-connected.
Other XML Sitemap Properties and Considerations
XML Sitemap Configuration and Formatting:
the content management systems of the websites provide the facility to inevitably generate an XML Sitemap. In case, one uses these programs or in other words an auto-XML Sitemap generator, it is important to ensure that the output remains in the desired and correct format and is also error-free. E.g. Google lays down the guidelines and requires all XML Sitemaps are in compliance and adherence to the specific protocol or the Sitemap Protocol. For the purpose of Sitemap Verification, after a generation or the creation of the XML Sitemap and needs to be uploaded to the web server, you will be looking for the search engines. Google enables and makes its easier with the help of
Google Webmaster Tools. One needs to ensure that the Sitemaps are in the appropriate and correct format and are properly uploaded on the web server before verifying the attempt to upload.