

Importance of SEO Tools in the World of Viral Marketing


The impact of the internet in the present times cannot be ignored. As everything is getting SEO optimized over the web, the importance of achieving a better rank for the website for a higher placement gets intense. Undoubtedly, SEO tools become one of the best options for placing your web based site at the top by making use of the white hat techniques.

There are several affordable SEO tools that can be considered for the better performance of the site in the world of viral marketing.

Tools for SEO Analytics – There are several powerful and affordable SEO Analytics tools that can either be purchased or can be used free of cost. Google Analytics being one of the favorite tools for the same purpose and that too free of cost.

Keyword Density Checker – Content marketing is the latest marketing trend and focusing on keywords is important to help the search engines find your website. The keyword density checker tool contributes in determining the density of the existing keywords in the entire content and makes it easier for the writer to maintain the required percentage for the same.

Backlink Finder – This tool helps to determine the number of incoming links to a particular domain.

Website rank checking tools – Obviously, the need for a good website rank checker is evident in the world of the internet. Alexa Rank Checker is one of the popular website rank checkers that is free of cost and offers a valuable insight on the site’s performance.

Mega Tag Analyzer – This is helpful in the extraction of meta-tags of the website and helps in determining the appropriate keywords for better rank of the website.

Domain IP Address Checker – It contributes to locate the origin of the unwanted emails and virus attacks. This is one of the best tools to find out the owner of the IP address, domain or the website.

Google Page Rank Checker – It is a free SEO tool to determine the rank of the website allotted by Google.

Word Count Tool – Word count tool helps the writer to determine the number of words in the content.

Compete Ranking checker – This tool assists in finding out the unique visitors and returning visitors to the site. Keeping a track of such visitors helps to learn about the site’s performance over the internet.

There are several SEO tools that can be used to enhance the rank of the website over the search engines along with offering assistance in finding the appropriate keyword for the site. Taking help of these cheap tools is a sure shot strategy to generate higher traffic to the one’s website.

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