

How Google Page Rank Works and Its History


A lot of people are wondering how Google’s Page Rank works. There is also plenty of information about it when you look in the internet. Since almost all website today depends greatly on PR or Page Rank, then it’s about time to know more about how it works and its history.

People often mistake the word “page” as web page. Only few of them know what it really means. Actually, the word PageRank is named after Larry Page, the one behind PR’s famous algorithm. Google’s search engine assigns numerical weight to every website pages. The weight measures each site’s relative importance among other pages. Others called this importance in the eyes of Google. But actually, it’s the link analysis algorithm of Page Rank that does the work.

Though PageRank is Google’s trademark, it wasn’t patented for them. The patent goes for Stanford University. However, Google has exclusive license rights to Page Rank’s patent. And mind you, the shares from Stanford cost $336 million. Yes, Google paid 336 million dollars to Stanford in exchange of the patent used.

The thing that surprises me when doing the research is that PageRank algorithm has 500 million variables and 2 billion terms. Imagine what kind of math genius can formulate such mind blowing algorithm. Even SEO staffs do not know about the formula and how many constraints were put into mind while making it. They just knew that the higher the rank of the site they put their links, the better.

Well, PR is the most popular measurement of website popularity nowadays. I think it deserves what it has now. Otherwise, the one at the top might need some other 600 million variables and 3 billion terms to surpass it. It only shows what fruit can be bore through hard work. PageRank is really of great help and billions of sites wanted to get the highest rank of 10 in order for their sites to be visited and gain more revenue.

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