The title for this article basically sums up my main topic of discussion today. The emergence of Google is causing a storm on the internet as everyone is beginning to rely on search engines to find what they want. As kind as a search engine allowing any possible website to be viewed by anyone, a page of search results is only capable of displaying 10 results at max. The more people want their page to be first, the more competitive it is for pages to out rank one another. A common misconception is that SEO can only be done by professionals. The truth is that anyone with the right amount of dedication can do what professionals do also. Finding the right keywords, optimizing on page and off page, creating backlinks, can all be learnt with the endless amount of articles and guides provided online.
The harsh truth about SEO is that even though a person can know everything about it, results will inevitably take time. It is just a matter of when. It is important to commend Google for their continuous efforts to make search as relevant as it is suppose to be. Ranking number one not only means good optimization but content which matches the desired keyword. There are no short cuts to search engine optimization only tweaks which ease the process. Everyone today is looking for immediately traffic flow and high ranking pages but they fail to realize that they are not the only one. One page result is only fitting for 10 results. With today’s fast growing pace, any 2 or 3 keyword phrases will already bring up 1-2 million results.
As they say, content is king. Sometimes people can be so absorbed in SEO that they tend to forget the finer things. Take time to build your site with relevant content and soon enough results will show. The world is moving so fast that it is only up to you to slow things down.